Roman Oleh Yaworsky

Powerful Light Astrology TM


An In Depth Predictive Report of the Transits
to Your Natal Chart

Revealing the Unfolding of Your Gifts and Possibilities

The Power Light Astrology TM Transit Report was created and written by Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky. It is based on deep work with clients over many years. It is unique in the depth and focus it takes on your core issues and the dynamics and interplay of the events and patterns in your life as they effect you on many levels.

It is a quide that not only reveals the nature of the issues and patterns that you may be experiencing, but also presents clear and practical advice on how to most optimally take advantage of these events, patterns and themes as they present themselves.


Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky has taken the stance that it is much better to be proactive in using the knowledge of the nature of the events unfolding in your life for your highest growth and success. In this way, the gifts in your challenges are revealed.

The Power Light Astrology TM Transit Report was specially created to compliment your Year in Review Session with Roman. Much of the information contained here is original and not available in any other form. This report, written and designed by Roman, is approximately 30 pages.

This report is currently only available to clients.

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In Person sessions in Miami, serving South Florida. Phone consultations for out of town and international clients.
You can reach Roman by e-mail: Contact Astrologer Roman Oleh Yaworsky

Astrology for your spirit and soul. - Astrology classes and workshops in Miami, Miami Beach and South Florida


All Text, course titles and graphics are Copyright ฉ 2018 by Roman Oleh Yaworsky. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized use by whatever means is prohibited.